July 29, 2022
July 29, 2022 5:48 amJuly 29th is the 210th day of the year. There are 155 days remaining until the end of the year.
The Dresden Fair starts tonight at the Dresden Raceway Grandstands!
At 7pm kick it off with the Truck and Tractor pull. Costs $20, kids 10 and under are free.
Saturday July 30th, 9am Exhibit buildings open, soap box derby, local vendors, cattle show starting at 10am, Teddy Bear show after lunch at 1pm and at 6pm live music from Southwind Buoys, Guns N Roses Tribute Band and Cheap Trick Tribute Band. $15 for the live music at the door, kids 10 and under are free.
More info at dresdenex.com.
Saturday, July 30th is Emancipation Day at Uncle Tom’s Cabin Historic Site. An annual celebration of hope and freedom commemorating the end of slavery in the British Empire. This year is extra special as a new name that better reflects the true history of the site will be unveiled. The event runs from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
Everyone is welcome for this free, fun and educational day featuring music, poetry and presentations. Seating is available or you can bring your own lawn chair.Lunch available for purchase, with food and desserts from Dresden Sidestreets Youth Centre.
Full schedule of events here.
ARTcrawl will take place tonight from 6pm to 10pm. The evening begins at ARTspace (165 ½ King Street) with an
opening for The Underground Film Collective and culminates at the Thames Art Gallery (75 William Street N) with the artist reception at 8pm.
Planned and pop-up events will occur throughout the event as local business and galleries take part in this celebration of
CK creativity. Gallery openings, live musical performances, artisan demonstrations, poetry readings, interactive
museum display and even a live fashion show.
There’s even a passport available. Fill it out and be entered for a 100 dollar draw sponsored by event
participants. This draw will occur during the artist reception at Thames Art Gallery.
You can find out more by viewing our Social Media feeds
@TAG_CK and @ARTspaceCK @CKArtsandCulture
www.tagartspace.com or www.chatham-kent.ca/TAG
Week 4 of the CKRecreation Summerfest continues tonight!
The Movie in the Park will roll into Wheatley Area Park. Come by to see Sing 2. Movie starts at dusk.
Ever Saturday and Sunday are Beach Days in Erieau & Mitchell’s Bay 11-4pm and Play Rangers in Kingston Park.
For the full Summerfest schedule go here.
After 61 Years, Sprite Will No Longer Be Sold in Green Bottles.
The Coca-Cola Company has announced that, beginning next week, they’re changing Sprite’s packaging to clear plastic bottles because the green bottles, ironically, aren’t GREEN enough.
The green bottles are recyclable, but because of the additives in the plastic to change the color, it has to be separated from other plastic to be repurposed . . . and that creates a lot of headaches and unnecessary waste. The green bottles will also be dropped from other Coca-Cola products, including Mello Yello, Fresca and Seagram’s Ginger Ale.
Tags: 5ThingsYouNeedtoKnow, artcrawl, artspace, CKMornings, CKRec, CKRecreation, Coca-Cola, dresden sidestreets youth centre, emancipation day, green bottles, sprite, Summerfest, Tecumseh Park, Thames Art Gallery, the underground film collective, Uncle Tom's CabinCategorised in: 5 Things You Need To Know
This post was written by Jen Marsh