September 26, 2022
September 26, 2022 5:55 amSeptember 26th is the 269th day of the year. There are 96 days remaining until the end of the year.
There’s a blood donor clinic Wednesday at the Portuguese Canadian Club from 1-7pm.
Donors are needed! Book your appointment at Blood.ca, call 1-888-2-DONATE or use the apps.
No walk-in appointments are available.
Chatham-Kent Crime Stoppers has teamed up with Chatham-Kent Police, Chatham-Kent Fire and Emergency Servies, and Linck for a free Child Fingerprint and Car Seat Clinic on Saturday.
The event that runs from 11-3 at Kingston Park and will provide parents with a free electronic identification record to take home.
The clinic will also feature food trucks, emergency vehicle tours, a meet and greet with first responders, car seat checks, and other activities for the whole family.
A NASA spacecraft is going to deliberately crash into an asteroid today.
It’s being done for NASA’s DART mission, short for “Double Asteroid Redirection Test.”
They’re crashing a one-and-a-half-ton spacecraft into an asteroid at 13,000 miles an hour (20921KM/h) to see if it changes its orbit; So if a big one ever comes our way, maybe we can deflect it.
The crash is planned for 7:14pm tonight. Live coverage will air on NASA TV beginning at 6pm.
Speaking of space, Jupiter will make its closest approach to earth in 59 years tonight. The passing planet will be highly visible when gazing up at the night sky.
According to NASA, Jupiter will be about 367 million miles (or 590 million kilometres) away from Earth, and the last time it was that close was in 1963. At its farthest point, the planet is usually about 600 million miles (or 965 million kilometres) away from Earth.
Jupter will be in the sky all night long, from sunset to sunrise. It will be visible and bright to the human eye.
An astrophysicist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama, says that the planet will be one of, if not the brightest objects in the sky besides the moon. He recommends using binoculars or even a telescope to get the best view, and he also suggests stargazing from a high elevation in a dark and dry area.
The view of the planet should be visible for a few days after.
Stargazers: Jupiter will make its closest approach to Earth in 59 years! Weather-permitting, expect excellent views on Sept. 26. A good pair of binoculars should be enough to catch some details; you’ll need a large telescope to see the Great Red Spot. https://t.co/qD5OiZX6ld pic.twitter.com/AMFYmC9NET
— NASA (@NASA) September 23, 2022
The largest Canadian Tire store in Canada is now open.
The company opened a 135,000 sq. ft. store in Ottawa at the Carlingwood Shopping Centre. There is a six-car Customer Pick Up canopy area for customers to Click and Collect their online purchases, a Garden Centre, and an auto service department with an auto-lounge and upscale tire wall.
Construction on the new store began in the fall of 2019.
Canadian Tire is celebrating its 100th birthday this month.
Tags: 5ThingsYouNeedtoKnow, Blood Donor Clinic, Canadian Tire, Chatham-Kent Crime Stoppers, CKMornings, DART Mission, Fingerprint and Car Seat Clinic, Jupiter, Kingston Park, NASACategorised in: 5 Things You Need To Know
This post was written by Chris McLeod