November 28, 2023
November 28, 2023 5:55 amNovember 28th is the 332nd day of the year. There are 33 days remaining until the end of the year.
A very cold start to the day today. And we don’t warm up much in the afternoon.
There were some alerts and a travel advisory for the region on Monday, but today is just cold.
Sun and cloud with a high of just -2C, cooler when you factor in the wind chill.
The Chatham-Kent Public Library hosts Movies @ Your Library every Tuesday at the Chatham branch.
Book your spot today to see You Hurt My Feelings starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
Movies start at 2pm.
Chatham-Kent Council will begin budget deliberations tonight.
Deliberations are scheduled for the next three evenings beginning at 6p.m. If more time is needed, Tuesday and Wednesday next week have also been set aside.
The proposed tax hike for 2024 is 7.82%.
You can follow along and watch on the Municipality’s Facebook Page. Tune in to the discussion and learn more about your tax dollars, municipal projects and services for Chatham-Kent in the next four years.
For more information on the 2024-2027 budget, click here.
The Merriam-Webster word of the year for 2023 is “authentic”.
Merriam-Webster said it saw a “substantial increase” in online searches for it this year; Authentic cuisine. Authentic voice. Authentic self. Authenticity as artifice.
One reason many people search for the word is because it has a number of meanings, including “not false or imitation” and also “true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character”.
“Authentic” follows 2022’s choice of “gaslighting.” And 2023 marks Merriam-Webster’s 20th anniversary choosing a top word.
‘Authentic’ is Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year!
— Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) November 27, 2023
Today is Giving Tuesday, a movement to create an international day of charitable giving at the beginning of the Christmas and holiday season after the commercialization of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
The website Mashable championed the first Giving Tuesday in 2012, many more companies have jumped on in the years since.
Today marks the 11th anniversary of the first Giving Tuesday in 2012. More than 85 countries are involved now. It is predicted that almost $3.5 billion will be given today.
Tags: 2023 budget, 5ThingsYouNeedtoKnow, Chatham-Kent Public Library, CKMornings, Giving Tuesday, Merriam-Webster, Movies @ Your Library, multi-year budget, Municipality of Chatham-Kent, snow, weather, word of the yearCategorised in: 5 Things You Need To Know
This post was written by Chris McLeod