Lola Anderson
June 28, 2021 12:11 pmWe are so very proud and here is why miss Lola…
Where to start with this beautiful young graduate who was also valedictorian and winner of the Arts award. Lola you are my hero and have made us (your two moms, and dads, plus grandparents and aunties and uncles) so proud, more than we could ever express. If it wasn’t for you, this year it would have been a much harder year than it was. When we were all locked down and one of your two brothers couldn’t attend childcare, you stepped up to the plate every day and looked after him during the day while we were busy working, completed all your schoolwork in the evening and still attended all your virtual competitive dance classes with Edmunds Towers. In addition to this, you also babysat children during the Pandemic and continue to do so. Not to forget, you would also make beautiful and delicious dinners for your family with Good Food kits and spent time with your grieving grandmother as a snuggle bug to comfort her. You are a leader in your dance classes because you made sure everyone felt comfortable by promoting inclusion and by offering your support to your Teammates that were having doubts and feeling anxious. You are a leader at school too because you put extra effort in your French education by participating, helping, and answering questions and the contribution towards the organization of your graduation and at too home because you encouraged the whole family to participate in Miracle of May and continue to help us remember the good, we can do in life. Just a few days ago you had your dance showcase and killed it regardless of months on online classes, dancing in hot weather with a mask, etc. Lola your determination is admirable and even with all the obstacles you face. You rose in times of difficulty dealing with the pandemic, your grandfather being ill and not being able not see him in the hospital and his passing. Your school trips to Muskoka and Quebec were cancelled, Billy Eilish and all the things a grade 8 students looks forward to like a graduation. You accepted virtual learning and the feeling of emptiness not being able to connect with your communities. Despite obstacles in life, you are always willing to help others and puts your needs and feelings aside to support your teachers, friends, family, parents, siblings, and community. We love you so very much and are so proud of you Beans!!!! Are you sure you are not graduating high school?
Categorised in: Grade 8 Graduates
This post was written by Blackburn Radio