Asia Nahdee-Wagner

June 11, 2021 8:45 am Published by

Thank you for being the amazing woman you have grown to be. You are kind, loving, compassionate, smart and determined. In your 11th grade when I fell to my heart attack, you stood up!!! On a daily you continued to get up, making sure you and your 6 siblings got to school with an amazing lunch. You made sure all your siblings got their chores and homework done and that no tummies went without. I thank Creator everyday that I was able to pull through to witness the celebration of all your hard work, dedication and persistence! Your grade 12 graduate celebration, I know speaks mounds to you! Don’t take that lightly because we all know what you pushed through to get here and I as-well as so many others are proud of you and your accomplishments. Through all the blood, sweat, and many tears you can finally take a seat, breathe and with that huge sigh of relief say… “I did it!!!” You make us all proud Asia, “CONGRATULATIONS!!!” XOXO all our love and appreciation for all you do! Your Family!

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This post was written by Blackburn Radio