This Might Help YOU Save Some $$$ This Christmas!!
December 13, 2019 10:07 am Comments Off on This Might Help YOU Save Some $$$ This Christmas!!Find yourself spending TOO much this time of year? This…could help… Click HERE for that… ~Tymo
Find yourself spending TOO much this time of year? This…could help… Click HERE for that… ~Tymo
My wife has asked me a few times…what do I want for Christmas? I keep saying…MONEY! CASH! Then I thought…instead
Next to the BIG dinner…and gifts…is this part of your holiday? Click HERE to find out… ~Tymo
And…I bet you watch this more than once… ~Tymo
Walmart once again sold out of their KFC scented fire logs this year…and I wondered…could they not come up with
Well…this time of the year…ever happen to you? Click HERE to find out why!! ~Tymo
Looks like he is having fun tho… ~Tymo
Busted but not giving up on blaming someone else! ~Tymo
How would YOU answer this kids question?? A kid was visiting with Santa…telling him his wish list for gifts this
Well…most of em…can you find the Hybrid animal I made up? This…by the way…came from a story I read that