**WARNING** Some ‘language’ Here…
October 1, 2019 10:15 am Comments Off on **WARNING** Some ‘language’ Here…I will start this with an…apology…I’m sorry. *PLEASE…read to the end and tell me what ya think here… Yesterday I
I will start this with an…apology…I’m sorry. *PLEASE…read to the end and tell me what ya think here… Yesterday I
Just make sure when you hear this…you follow the rule here…only ONE! Click HERE to find out… So…I asked…YOUR one?
I worry about my cats at times with some of the birds near us…guess I have reason TO worry hey?
Our Cuba trip winner! Maybe you know him? Maybe you get the other seat to go with him on this
You drive…there is a chance THIS happens to YOU…today!! Click HERE to find out! 🙂 ~Tymo
you know the rest of that… Maybe some should not be getting in between two bull elk during mating season?
This…is Ryan. He was nominated by his pal for the free beer from Brew I get each Friday! Ryan works
My hunnie and I sat and watched 2 movies I LUV! Roadhouse…and then The Warriors! Right after she said…those are
A couple came home to find someone had cranked the heat in their home…they go turn it down. Then someone
And…you talk to ‘this’…every day! What? See below… Click HERE to find out… You? ~Tymo