Here Is The Bad A$$ Of The Week!
September 27, 2019 4:45 am Comments Off on Here Is The Bad A$$ Of The Week!My new home security system…will be this guy!! ~Tymo
My new home security system…will be this guy!! ~Tymo
Would I get your vote?? And…what ELSE needs to go on my list?? All the politicians are making their promises
A cop got fired because he arrested a 6 year old girl. The girl was acting up in class (parents
A bunch of guys were asked…how much money would it take for you to leave your wife or girlfriend…they had
A guy wakes up and hears some criminals breaking into his stuff late at night. He goes out to warn
What will make a guy cringe when he goes out on a date? THIS…or I should say…these… Ladies…beware…we may just
I wonder…did she break up with him after seeing this?? ~Tymo
You use it everyday! At least…I hope you do..but do you know where it came from?? Click HERE to find
I do wonder what they are fighting about!? ~Tymo
Yes there is a Canadianized version of the English dictionary…but the people who take of it disbanded years ago! There