How Many Of YOU Are Affected Today?
September 13, 2019 11:38 am Comments Off on How Many Of YOU Are Affected Today?Friday the 13th! How many of you…believe? Click HERE to find out… So? You in or out… ~Tymo
Friday the 13th! How many of you…believe? Click HERE to find out… So? You in or out… ~Tymo
Anything like this? We…my wife and I had skunks…a bear once (living in the wild in B.C.)… ~Tymo
This might make you squirm a bit…but this also shows us that cats are cool!!! ~Tymo
Yours?? Fears…we all have em. Getting over them is the hard part. I have 2 BIG fears…heights and snakes. Here
I doubt it… We played Truth or Pair this morning. You have to think of a question that you think
Click HERE to find out! THAT seems like a LOT! Considering how many OTHER choices a day you are faced
Yeah…the driver was charged… ~Tymo
Playing for tickets to Comicon in Windsor this morning…you had to decide if I was drunk making bad choices…or a
What happened next?? A guy wants to sell a ride on mower…there is a guy interested in it. Guy loads
I would be willing to bet that some…most of you…drink enough for this to happen to you… Click HERE to