Can You Get 2 Outta 3 Right Here?
June 19, 2019 10:03 am Comments Off on Can You Get 2 Outta 3 Right Here?Michael Jordan was drafted 35 years ago to the day…to the Bulls…so I have 3 statements about Mike…you tell me
Michael Jordan was drafted 35 years ago to the day…to the Bulls…so I have 3 statements about Mike…you tell me
We found out that women…100% of ALL women…think about how a guys last name sounds after hers…after a 1st date.
The numbers don’t lie here…100% of all women think…or do THIS! Click HERE to find out… True?? And…men? ~Tymo
I got up yesterday…went to sit on the couch and wake up…and as I sat down I re-aggravated an old
Lies in relationships are bad right? Wrong! Click HERE to find out which lie is OK for women to hear…
90% of ALL Canadians cannot spot a fake news story. 90%!! WOW! So…I put together 3 stories…2 are true…1 is
A list of what Dad wants this year came out… Can you get any of the top 3 things?? Click
90% of ALL Canadians said that they have fallen for a FAKE news story at one time or other…so I
The National Baseball Hall of Fame opened in Cooperstown 80 years ago today. So the topic is obscure baseball rules . .
I asked Dads…what is THE best thing about being a Dad… Click HERE for one answer… Click HERE for another