THIS Gets You A Trip To The Hospital…
April 2, 2019 9:57 am Comments Off on THIS Gets You A Trip To The Hospital…What household item hurts you? Click HERE to find out… ~Tymo
What household item hurts you? Click HERE to find out… ~Tymo
At what age SHOULD you do this? Or…should you do this at all? The ‘experts’ say we should be getting
Half the time that you do this…every do it alone… Click HERE to find out…before you take it to
I had a guy call in and say I sound EXACTLY like Alan Thicke! I don’t hear it but wondered
90% of ALL of you said if you would not get caught…would steal this! Click HERE for the answer… So?
The new Elton John movie is almost done but the studio wants a scene cut from the movie before it
50% of you said you do this…when shopping… Click HERE for the answer… ~Tymo
She was tired of my pranks…so she took matters into her own hands… Well done sweetie…well done! ~Tymo
Nick Cage is getting married..again. 4th time for him! I wondered…is there a number too high for you? You are
Most women…the majority…said they would dump a guy…or not give him a 2nd date if he did this…HINT…it happens on