Does It Scare You?
January 2, 2019 11:56 am Leave your thoughtsNew technology these days kinda scares me a bit. Not sure if it is the Old Man in me not
New technology these days kinda scares me a bit. Not sure if it is the Old Man in me not
What is it? It happens more in Jan…*hint…think cowards? Click HERE to find out… Good advice at the end there?
Some of you…about 5%…have already started to do THIS and it isn’t even 2019 yet!! What is it? Click HERE
Should you and I and the rest of Canada go into 2019…or stay in 2018? I called a bar in
I hope that part of your gifts that you get this year…I hope that you get some Peace. Peace of
PLACE YOUR BETS! I got a msg from a guy saying…I HAVE to pay my Bell bill or I am
There were some kids asked if they like Christmas…or not… How many…what % of them said…I do NOT like Christmas?
How much $ would you be willing to pay out for a solid 8 hours in the sack? Uninterrupted…no kids
A list of the top 10…highest grossing Christmas movies of ALL time…looking for #1 here…see below for answer… 1. ______?
What would you do here?? An email from a listener… I’m hosting a family gathering for Christmas. We only get