I KNOW You Have One Of These…
May 1, 2019 10:14 amQuirks? Got any? So you know a Quirk is…a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality; mannerism.
I asked a co worker for a piece of gum. When she reached into the pack…she pulled out a bitten in half piece. Said…Oh…you don’t want that one and gave me a full piece. What? She said that when she chews gum she only has a 1/2 a piece at a time! Maybe…you ALWAYS wear your hair up…wear glasses but don’t need em? You doodle?
You have any? Maybe a friend you know?
Click HERE for one…and MY biggest one…
and HERE for one more…that you may have?
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo