Ever Do This? I HOPE So!!
September 3, 2019 9:56 amMy wife caught me doing something this weekend…and I hope I am NOT the only one who does this!!! I was putting together some shelves in the garage this weekend. She came out when I was 1/2 way done…I didn’t notice her there…and while I work (shelves or anything else) I talk to myself…ie. ‘ohh these shelves are gunna look SO good! Once they are done…what in here goes on ’em? Well..those fire bricks for one! And our bike helmets….’ and on and on I went…not knowing she was listening. She burst out laughing not ’cause I was talking to myself…but because I was answering my own questions! Am I the only one who does?? I hope not…
Post a YES…I do. If ya do and make me feel better? Well…you did!
Click HERE to have a listen…see if you are anything like this!!!
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo