This Ain’t Right…is It??
September 27, 2019 11:17 amA couple came home to find someone had cranked the heat in their home…they go turn it down. Then someone starts talking to them over their Nest speaker system and playing some horrible music (rap I suspect). They found out that their home had been hacked! This is on the heels of another couple who had someone say to them thru their home system that they were in their kids room and that they were going to take their kids!!
The couple with the heat…wants the cops to find the guy and charge him with B and E!! I get the B part…but were they really IN the house?
So…we talked about cyber crime and punishment today…and I think we got it sorted out too! (listen below to find out what the punishment is in jail for this kinda stuff)
Click HERE for that…
Click HERE for some tips to keep you and yours safe!
Now…go change that password!!
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo