Would You Vote…for Me??!
September 26, 2019 10:11 amWould I get your vote?? And…what ELSE needs to go on my list??
All the politicians are making their promises in hopes you will vote for them. They will cut taxes…reduce the debt…mow your lawn…reno your kitchen AND make dinner while doing a load of laundry…right?
So!! I am going to try to get your vote and I promise you I will do this…
Lower taxes by half!
Get you a raise at work!
Fix EVERY street in Canada!
Paint your house.
Get up at 3am to change your baby so you can sleep!
Create 100,000 more jobs!
Get the kids to PULL THEIR DAM PANTS UP!
Make every house energy efficient!
Get you an extra week off of work!
Now you are asking…how?! How will I pay for all of this to get done? EASY! Aliens! E.T. Chewbacca…Klingons!! I will tax the %$#@ outta them and get ALL this done and more!!
Now…to get your vote…what ELSE can I promise ya?? What do ya need?
Click HERE to see what else should be on my list of promises!
And I am pretty sure you would want THIS here too!!
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo