Ask A Stupid Question…get A Bunch Of People Laughin’ At Ya!
October 17, 2019 10:14 amWhat is THE stupidest question someone has asked you…at your workplace?? I was dropping Subway platters off to H! Neighbour…while I was there I overheard a couple talking…they were looking at the artificial turf that is sold there. The guy says..this is a great deal on this artificial turf! She said…’yeah…but do you have to mow it as much as regular grass?’ Really?
So…you are at work…taking questions…what is the DUMBEST question someone asked you?
Click HERE for someĀ examples!
Mine…I had a guy call in to request a tune. I said sure…what do ya have in mind? He said ANYTHING from Garth Brooks! I asked if he knew he was calling me at COOL? He says…oh yeah…I listen to you all the time! So no Garth…how about Willie Nelson? Still nope…Tim Mcgraw? Still no…I told him to go and turn up the radio he had and see what we play! ~Tymo
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo