Did I Cross The Line Here?? Break An ‘unwritten Rule’??
October 29, 2019 11:19 amAt a red light behind a guy…light turns green…I wait…wait a bit more…then give a honk on my horn. I must have waited 3-4 seconds before I let out that honk by the by…
He got out of his car and came towards me yelling…Lay off the horn ya _____ _______ ______!! *Fill in the blanks yourself. So I smiled and waved and said…lights still green…can we go? *He didn’t like that too much either but he left…So…I wondered…Is there an amount of time we have to/should wait before we get on the horn in things like this? How long till we honk? Answer in Mississippis…
Click HERE for the NEW rule!!!
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo