**WARNING** Some ‘language’ Here…
October 1, 2019 10:15 amI will start this with an…apology…I’m sorry.
*PLEASE…read to the end and tell me what ya think here…
Yesterday I shared a story about a guy who got busted for a DUI…while he was going to pick his kids up from school! The teachers thought he had been drinking so they would not let the kids get in the car (GOOD on those teachers) and they called the cops and the guy got pulled over and blew 2x the legal limit!! In the back of the cop car he was crying…saying his young son had to see him being put into cuffs and into a cop car…and he wanted the cops to take care of his kids while he was being yanked away! My 1st thought was…he should be thankful he didn’t kill anyone while he drove drunk…(and this is where my apology comes in)…and that he should stop BITCHING about the whole thing and take his medicine! Shut UP and take what you got coming and stop your whiny bitching!! BUT…in the moment I thought using the word…bitch…might be a little strong for on air. BUT…I do want to be real with you on air every day…and THAT was what I was thinking…but I edited myself…NOT being…me.
But is the word…Bitch to strong for on air? Or…here?
HERE is what you said…with a little on the end for ya…
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo