Are ‘we’ Getting A Little Carried Away With This Global Situation??
March 5, 2020 10:03 am*Please…read to the end and tell me what you think…
I was driving some errands yesterday and snacking on some peanuts. Got a bit kinda caught in my throat…so I was coughing a bit…trying to clear my throat. Not like HACKING and HACKING…just a few to get it clear. I stop at a gas station/store to grab gas and thought I should get a drink to help clear my throat. **Note when ever I cough etc…I ALWAYS do so in my sleeve**
I go in the store and am deciding…juice…water? And of course..every now and again…I try to clear my throat. The clerk from across the store said…’Please pay for your gas…leave the $ on the counter and leave! I do not want to get the virus!’ I was a little shocked…so you know me…not wanting to start anything I did just that…left my $ on the counter…and beat it.
Is this the World we are in now? Is this *my situation here* or ANYONE coughing…considered a risk now? Are we going over the line…or was this clerk just protecting himself??
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Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo