Bit Of A Read Here Yes…but Please…get To The End Of It As I Need Your Help Here!
April 28, 2020 10:02 amI shared a story yesterday about a woman who lost her husband to Covid…she found a note on his phone after saying how much he loves her and that the best time of his life was spent with her and watching her be a Mom to their kids. My wife was working from home and had the station on and heard that story…so she wrote me an email. A LONG email…here is the 1st of 6 paragraphs she wrote…
‘I have been thinking over the last little while (as the virus continues) how much you mean to me and how I can let you know …and more importantly, how I can show you how much I love you. You read a letter that a husband had written to his wife before he died and I thought that I shouldn’t wait until a birthday, a special occasion…heaven forbid, my deathbed….before I tell you how much you truly mean to me.’
It went on and on about her and I…and how much she loves me and is glad we are together.
Now…my reply to her email went like this **Please note…I was trying for funny here and was going to give her what we call an Anaconda Hug when I got home. *Imagine a tight long squeeze of a hug…like an Anaconda would wanna give ya**
This is what I wrote back…’You took time out of.a work day to send this? I should fwd this to your boss so he KNOWS what you do with your time…’
Again…was going for a laugh is all. I love my wife more than my own life itself…trust me…other than my Mom…I have never loved someone SO much…but still I go for the joke…
I get home and she was not all that impressed….we did hug it out…that turned into a ticklefest that turned into…NEVER YOU MIND what that turned into but…here is where YOU can help out…
Her birthday is weeks away…and now I wanna do something INCREDIBLE for her this year to show her the love that I have for HER…but keeping in mind the world we live in NOW…what can I DO!?!?!?
Little help here? Yes she will read your comments…and yes she will see if I do what you suggest…
Click HERE to see what you think of THIS suggestion?
Got anything else? Send it to me…. Tymo@CoolRadio.ca
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo