Would YOU Get This App…if It Would Mean We Open Up EVERY Business?
May 8, 2020 10:10 amOverseas there are countries where the Govt is making it MANDATORY for everyone with a cell phone to download this APP…that uses a combination of self-declared personal information like travel history and symptoms, and location data, to hand out green, yellow, and orange passes to people showing their risk of infection…and if you get it/have it…it lets everyone know where you have been. In these countries if the Police stop you and you DON’T have this app…you get fined or tossed in jail for a week! ‘They’ say that with this app…they can track and help slow/stop the spread…with the info the app gives em.
So…would YOU get it…if it would mean we open EVERYTHING up?
HERE is what you had to say…
And HERE too…
Would you? Email me your thoughts…TYMO@CoolRadio.ca
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo