Well…I Didn’t Expect Her To CALL ME!! But…she Did…
December 16, 2020 10:20 amI started off with my story as I wondered if this had happened to you as well…here is MY story…
When my wife and I go shopping…we put our masks on and have a plan…the plan is we cut the store in half…she goes to her half to grab what we need…I go to my half…done in half the time and we are out! BUT…we are in the store…and I did this. I have to tell you this first. My wife was wearing these black knee high winter boots…black leggings…and her red coat. She also has very short blonde hair. A rather distinctive ‘look’…ok? So I am in MY half of the store and I see her. I think…what are you doing on my side…I got this…but I also wanna give her a smile so I sneak up behind her and (with my mask on so you still know) I whispered ‘something’ into her ear. What I said doesn’t matter…BUT…as it turned out…it was NOT my wife! This complete stranger turns…and I see it is not my wife…and I freak out! I started with…I AM SO SORRY! You look like my wife! Down to your clothes…you are dressed the same! I am sorry I got in the 6ft…and I am SO sorry for this!! The woman laughed and took it well…I even insisted that my wife and I wait outside the store for her to come out later so I could show this woman how similar they looked and dressed this day! We all had a laugh (I was rather embarrassed…but we laughed it off…
So? You ever do something like this? I hope you have a story…
I shared that asking for your stories…and I got THIS call…
Click HERE for part I
Now we get back on the line and I try to straighten this out…
Click HERE for part II
So? HAS this happened to ya?? TYMO@CoolRadio.ca
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Tymo