Do You…in ANY Way…agree That These Bands Are…over Rated??
May 25, 2022 9:14 amI will post below HOW or why these bands made this list so you know…but do you agree that these 3 bands are on TOP of this list?
~Tymo **NOT my words below…
1. Guns N’ Roses . . . “In terms of technical skill, Slash isn’t the best guitarist . . . they’re not an awful band, but to say they changed the hard rock game is a bit of a stretch.”
2. Motley Crue . . . “[They] had a few good songs. The rest were nothing but fillers. They fall under the ‘bands that are okay’ category”
3. The Doors . . . “The worst thing about [Jim] Morrison is his vocals put forth the image of a smarmy lounge singer.”
4. KISS . . . “Gene Simmons will do anything for easy money. It doesn’t matter if it’s selling coffins or delivering mediocre records on your front door. Being a sellout is the surefire way to be hated. However, KISS embraced it fully.”
5. U2 . . . “They had some solid tunes, but they also had mediocre tracks”
6. Genesis . . . “There are enjoyable tracks post-[Peter] Gabriel, and perhaps they wouldn’t be on this list if fans stopped hailing them as the best thing since sliced bread.”
7. Oasis . . . “They had good tracks, but are just so full of themselves. They had big claims, but nothing to back those up.”
8. Bon Jovi . . . “Bon Jovi songs all sound the same. They are too commercialized.”
9. Green Day . . . “Billie Joe Armstrong’s voice, the punk equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. It seems like everything they try to write is supposed to be some kind of statement.”
10. Metallica . . . “To treat them like they’re the best thing metal has to offer is just ridiculous. They’re not bad or untalented, they’re simply overhyped.”
Categorised in: Mornings, The Game
This post was written by Dave Tymo