14 Seconds Of Fun Here!
January 26, 2021 5:05 amWait for it…but you won’t have to wait long… ~Tymo
Wait for it…but you won’t have to wait long… ~Tymo
You tell me! ~Tymo
Some familiar faces in this one… You going to check it out? ~Tymo
This should make ya smile… ~Tymo
Never seen before footage from behind the scenes of the band and their lives! ~Tymo
Pretty cool invention if you ask me…air bags for bikers? ~Tymo
Video taken in Ontario…so…beware the knife packing squirrels? ~Tymo
How many times have you seen PEOPLE do this out having a ‘good time’? ~Tymo
Let me know how it goes…TYMO@CoolRadio.ca ~Tymo
You are welcome too… ~Tymo