Is There Just ONE Answer To My Question Here??
June 11, 2019 10:00 amI asked Dads…what is THE best thing about being a Dad… Click HERE for one answer… Click HERE for another
I asked Dads…what is THE best thing about being a Dad… Click HERE for one answer… Click HERE for another
My wife has started to call our 2 cats our roommates now. Sure…why not right? But I started to watch
What do you think about this?? Some of this guys friends are saying he should NOT go to the party…others
I was talking with a listener who said…you are a little odd aren’t ya? My reply was…you ain’t seen NOTHING
I bought myself some new shirts and some underwear. At home I am putting the shirts in drawers and the
Getting out of my truck at the gym yesterday and I just happened to look in the car parked next
So…from the Game this morning…we found out that a lot of you have fallen asleep while in the bathroom. Strange…yes…but
Was talking with a listener…a guy that HAS qualified for the Rolling Stones tickets we will hand out next Friday…so
Those seats at concerts…games etc…the aisle seats…Live Nation is going to add on a premium charge to sit there. They
Read thru to the end…see if MY story inspires you… I have my alarm set for 3 am…today I woke