What Was The Song…from Which Band…for What Movie?? You Just Might Get All 3 Right!
June 19, 2023 9:15 amBands/artists get paid between $16,000-$60,000 to have one of their songs used in a movie. BUT…there was a band that
Bands/artists get paid between $16,000-$60,000 to have one of their songs used in a movie. BUT…there was a band that
Put this here to make you smile! ~Tymo
And…you just saved some $ too! ~Tymo
So here it is! I ask…should we be playing this on the station? TYMO@CoolRadio.ca! ~Tymo
By the way…the record he has for all these kids…he had with ONE woman!!! ~Tymo
I think I will disagree with these ‘critics’… ~Tymo
At least in the top 3!! ~Tymo
AI will have a lot to do with this song…have a listen to the 1st version… ~Tymo
But what was #1 on this list of sexy jobs men can have? I’ll give you a hint…it is NOT
My wife LOVES watching Nature shows…and when I saw this I thought of her…and you… ~Tymo