Have Your Kids Seen This? Who Am I Kidding Here…this Is For YOU Too!!
February 23, 2022 4:40 amI won’t lie…I’d watch this!! ~Tymo
I won’t lie…I’d watch this!! ~Tymo
NORM! You read that and you think of Cheers…right? Well how much $ did Norm owe on his beer tab??
Did for me! ~Tymo
There are a bunch of things you should not do but experts say…don’t do this! ~Tymo
Comes out today so you know… ~Tymo
We need to feel the human spirit more in life… More… ~Tymo
Canadians…you…were asked what is your DREAM job? What would you be doing… 1 in 10 said musician…1 in 4 of
Right?! Anything else? TYMO@CoolRadio.ca! ~Tymo
I mean…if you aren’t busy… ~Tymo
Here ya go…here are some limits if you will about how much $ you spend this year? ~Tymo