Are You Above…below…or Average When It Comes To This?? 8 Is The Magic Number Here…you Above That? Below?
May 20, 2022 9:41 am8…is the magic number…you above or below 8? ~Tymo
8…is the magic number…you above or below 8? ~Tymo
Once you hear the right answer…I wonder if you have an answer to my last question here…if so… ~Tymo
If you have an answer I hope you fire me an email…! ~Tymo
Did ya? Or…maybe…if you bought a house did you notice these missing? ~Tymo
Our biggest fear used to be heights…now…it is this! ~Tymo
This could be YOU…on either side of the coin here! ~Tymo
Yeah…yes it is. Now…find out what… ~Tymo
For women…your answer might be this? Oh…and if you have an answer for the last question I ask here…let me
One more than the other but…how many of these issues do YOU have in YOUR relationship?? ~Tymo Me and my
Now if you forgot yesterday was Moms BIG day…well I wish you luck getting out of the doghouse but…here…see if