Now THIS…is Funny!
November 15, 2021 7:10 amSomeone who does these kinda things…we need more!! ~Tymo
Someone who does these kinda things…we need more!! ~Tymo
Seems a LOT of you have…if you have a story…send it to me…I NEED to hear it!! ~Tymo
Here we go…by the way…almost 4000 calories here…so do I need to say don’t try this? ~Tymo
Agree? ~Tymo
Yeah? Cool hey? ~Tymo
Like it? Should we have this on the station? ~Tymo
Enjoy! ~Tymo
Tom Hanks HAS favourite Tom Hanks movies…these 3… ~Tymo
And…I hope these…don’t happen to you this winter… ~Tymo
By the way…a 2nd question at the end of this…the answer from MEN was their hair or height…from the women…how