There Are 1000 Reasons I LUV This Video…enjoy!
August 28, 2020 8:15 amNah…make that 10,000 reasons! ~Tymo
Nah…make that 10,000 reasons! ~Tymo
She is what..4…5? But this makes sense…no? ~Tymo
Have a listen…can you figure it out? Click HERE for a listen… I’d go to that show…you? ~Tymo
It might not make ALL the stress be gone…but a fair chunk! Keep in mind…this answer comes FROM women…they outta
A new normal for all of us…and now we include Birthday Cake! ~Tymo
Good luck… ~Tymo
Well…not ALL of you…but most… Click HERE to find out… ~Tymo
So we CAN see the shows we want…maybe we get bands to start doing what AC/DC did years ago with
All? Some? Or…none…? ~Tymo