How Much Would Be Enough…for You?!
November 19, 2019 10:23 amOzzy and his family (collective worth…1/2 a BILLION) said for the right amount of money they would do their TV
Ozzy and his family (collective worth…1/2 a BILLION) said for the right amount of money they would do their TV
At 3:45ish am this morning…TUESDAY morning…I’m driving in to work…see a bunch of teens mon the road…walking along…WTH?? At 3:45??
YES…there are things that when you think about them…make you feel good…let’s find out what! Click HERE for that… You?
So I am on my way to a Santa Claus parade on Sat. Have car/transmission issues in station vehicle…can’t make
Yup…average guy…average day…7 times…and it IS what you think it is…or…think what they are? That is all…you do the math…
I was feeling ill about half way thru this video… ~Tymo
Either way…Dad gets owned in this video… ~Tymo
We should make a list…what ELSE should be on it? I had a long day yesterday…got home and lay out
And…who does this?? Click HERE to find out… Right? ~Tymo
Can ALL these clips be faked? ~Tymo