Blenheim Car Show 2019
May 25, 2019 2:17 pm[gallery ids=”3215,3213,3212,3208,3207,3206,3205,3204,3203,3200,3198,3196,3194″]
[gallery ids=”3215,3213,3212,3208,3207,3206,3205,3204,3203,3200,3198,3196,3194″]
So we now know that 10% of ALL women keep a secret Facebook account hidden from their man! I was…and
1 out of 10 women…lie about this?? Click HERE to find out… What do you think the # or %
ALL of you guessed the same thing this morning…and ALL were wrong… Want to find out what? Click HERE to
I was talking with a younger co-worker yesterday…and I made a reference to the movie Castaway. She looked at me
Was this a case of…flirting?? I usually get my wife to buzz my head when I need a haircut but
Yes or BS with celebrities who may…or may NOT have worked at fast food places… This guy failed…how did you
A woman goes and gets ‘butt implants’…you know the ones that makes a woman look like she stuffed a couple
1 out of 5 guys will let/ask/insist a woman does what…when??? Click HERE to find out… You?? ~Tymo