This…is What Having 7 Feet Of Hair Looks Like…
November 30, 2023 4:27 amCan you imagine her monthly shampoo bill?? ~Tymo
Can you imagine her monthly shampoo bill?? ~Tymo
Thoughts? Good enough to play on the station? ~Tymo
Pretty cool hey? ~Tymo
Thoughts? Should we be playing the tune on the station? ~Tymo
Your answer might be 1,000,000…because it might FEEL like they ask that many…but it isn’t… ~Tymo
Some are saying…it is a bit much? ~Tymo
Can you imagine where ‘music’ will go…from here? ~Tymo
I hope you do as it may inspire you to do 1…just ONE thing differently today…and going into the season…
Knowing the number…I have some saving to do!! ~Tymo
Before you look at the Top 20…what comes to mind RIGHT AWAY for songs that have…body parts in them? There