Now THIS Is One Of The More…bizarre…World Records I Have Ever Seen!
November 1, 2022 5:51 amI did not know you could get ‘in’ the World Records book with something like…this!! ~Tymo
I did not know you could get ‘in’ the World Records book with something like…this!! ~Tymo
Listen to The CoOL 80’s Lunch today at Noon to find out: -Which song Stevie Nicks performed with Harry Styles
So…we are looking for #1 on the list…and a bit of an explanation as to why…and where my fear of
How many cats have you had? Multiply it by THIS much… ~Tymo
I could see myself doing this…then immediately going and changing my shorts!! ~Tymo
I luv videos like this…things in nature…creatures just having some fun!! ~Tymo
WOW…just…wow! ~Tymo
Listen to The CoOL 80’s Lunch today at Noon to find out: -Which Iron Maiden member was removed from the
I am not the only one like this…right? RIGHT?! ~Tymo