Elyse Saunders
February 16, 2021 3:25 pm Comments Off on Elyse SaundersOntario's Elyse Saunders is back on "Up & Coming"! ElyseSaunders.com
Ontario's Elyse Saunders is back on "Up & Coming"! ElyseSaunders.com
Atop the leaderboard with her 3rd visit on Up & Coming - Manitoba's Brandi Vezina! BrandiVezina.com!
Greg Rider on "Up & Coming"! Visit him at gregridermusic.com
Scotty Kipfer and Amy Nodwell make up the "Second Chance Dreamers"! Search them out on all the social media channels!
Manitoba's Leanne Pearson! leannepearson.ca
BC's Melissa Livingstone! melissalivingstone.com
London's Jason Mercer! jasonmercermusic.com
If you're more "Puppy Bowl" than "Super Bowl"...
BC's Karen Lee Batten! We covered everything from an embarrassing episode in church when she was 4, to Canadian Idol, to now! www.karenleebatten.com
Tim Neufeld had time for a chat, and amongst other things, we talked about a town-customized virtual tour!