Keith Urban Spending Christmas In Australia
December 21, 2018 5:36 amKeith Urban is set to ring in 2019 at a New Year’s Eve concert in Nashville, but for now, he and his wife Nicole Kidman and their two daughters Sunday and Faith are spending Christmas in Australia. Keith talked to us about his holidays growing up:
“I have great memories of getting up early and going and jumping on your parents’ bed and getting them up. You know, and then of course you tear open the presents and then it’s done and it’s like eight in the morning, and you’ve got all morning now to sort of wish you had more presents to open. We had great Christmases growing up. I really, really enjoyed them. Mostly, we’d go to the beach, you know, ’cause there it’s summertime. Load up the station wagon and head off to the beach.”
Keith’s New Year’s Eve show in Nashville is free.
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Tags: Australia, Christmas, Keith Urban, Nicole KidmanCategorised in: Country Music News
This post was written by Cheryl Johnstone