Riley Green Splurges On Car
August 1, 2019 5:30 amRiley Green is no spend-thrift.
Even though he recently celebrated his first chart-topping hit, “There Was This Girl,” he made what seemed like a practical purchase while out on the road recently.
“I don’t think I really have a luxurious lifestyle that I’m like searching for. It’d be nice for me not to go back to framing houses. That would make me happy. But I bought a 1985 Chrysler LeBaron for $3,000 when I was on tour last week and it broke down at the show. It’s got wood panelling on the side. I mean there’s no point in me buying anything really nice. I don’t have time to drive a car. I’ve got a place up here. But that was really out of necessity.”
Based on pictures Riley recently posted on his Instagram account, @rileyduckman, he got the car back up and running.
Tags: Chrysler, LeBaron, Riley Green, There Was This GirlCategorised in: Country Music News
This post was written by Cheryl Johnstone