Dog Resuce And Some Amazing News
March 24, 2022 5:03 am1. Firefighters were called to a residence in Hazleton, Pennsylvania on Monday (March 14th) to help a dog stuck on a roof. But when local firefighters arrived, they found the dog standing calmly on the apartment building’s roof with a third-floor balcony door open behind them. Rescuers deduced the dog had used the balcony door to get to the roof, but they weren’t sure if the pup meant to go up there on purpose. After speaking to residents of the building, the first responders learned this dog was known for walking up onto the roof to sunbathe, and that he “does it all the time.” The fire department says, “We were unable to make contact with the dog’s owner, but the dog came down and went into the apartment while we were at the scene.”
2. A Starbucks barista named Emily Mejia has a 13-year-old sister who got a cancer diagnosis last year, and chemo didn’t work. So doctors started her on immunotherapy, which DID work. And there’s a great video of Emily finding out.
Her mom went to Starbucks while she was working the drive-thru . . . played it cool and ordered a coffee . . . then let her know her sister is CANCER-FREE.
Categorised in: Good News
This post was written by Dave Palmer