Dogs And Cats
April 20, 2022 4:58 am1. One year ago, a county jail in Utah started letting inmates spend time with unadoptable dogs and train them, and it’s been a huge success. 28 dogs have gone through the program, and every one came out of it ready to be adopted. Seven got adopted by inmates after they got released from jail. There were even a few cases where the prison guards used their own money to help with the adoption fees.
2. There’s a stray cat in Denver named Socks that hangs around Coors Field, where the Colorado Rockies play. She was in the news last year after someone caught her, and a vet did emergency surgery to remove a tumor, then released her outside the ballpark again. She’s too feral to be adopted out.
But now her SON is in the news. A self-described “crazy cat lady” managed to catch him, just to get him neutered. But it turns out he IS friendly enough to be adopted. So he’s heading to a forever home, and won’t be on the streets anymore.
Categorised in: Good News
This post was written by Dave Palmer