Lottery Win And A Message In A Bottle
April 13, 2022 5:13 am1. A woman in L.A. was buying lottery tickets from a vending machine when “some rude person” bumped into her. So she hit the wrong button and bought a ticket she didn’t actually want . . . but then it hit for $10 MILLION.
2. A grandmother in Texas went to pay for her groceries last week but didn’t have enough money. Her Senior card only had $19 on it, so she started putting stuff back. But then a young woman bagging groceries said stop, and paid the remaining $137 herself. Her manager found out . . . said he was proud of her . . . and paid her back.
3. A couple of British teenagers’ message in a bottle, that was sent out to sea looking for boyfriends, was now found 56 years later by a litter picking crew. Here is Tracey Marshall, a member of the clean up crew that found the bottle, talking with Jennifer Coleman, the woman who sent out the bottle over five decades ago.
Categorised in: Good News
This post was written by Dave Palmer