Baby Formula And Missing Teeth
May 24, 2022 5:45 am1. A guy named Aaron Welborn was snorkeling at a beach in Alabama, looking for seashells for his wife . . . and found someone’s teeth instead. (???) He spotted a set of dentures with the name “Randy Williams” on them. So he tracked Randy down in Wisconsin to give them back. He’d lost them a week earlier, and they’re worth $2,000.
Aaron says the best part was telling his wife to close her eyes, and dropping them in her hands. So when she opened her eyes, there was a full set of teeth smiling at her.
2. A Frontier Airlines crew helped a woman give birth mid-flight in one of the plane’s restrooms. They were flying from Denver to Orlando and made an emergency landing in Pensacola, but the kid had already arrived by then. One of the flight attendants helped with the delivery. Mom and baby are both okay.
3. Speaking of babies: A Texas restaurant owner is getting praise for helping parents out during the baby formula shortage. He is currently buying it from his restaurant supply hookups and giving it out for free.
Categorised in: Good News
This post was written by Dave Palmer