Long Lost Dogs Found
May 12, 2022 5:00 amJen Costa of New York lost her dog around five years ago, and it just recently turned up at a shelter 1,000 miles away in Tennessee.
Costa said her English Bulldog Azzurra went missing shortly after she went through surgery and it contributed to her going through a deep depression.
She was shocked when she was contacted by the Henderson City Animal Rescue in Tennessee, which said they had her dog.
Costa made the drive from New York to Henderson and was reunited with Azzurra on Friday. “She’s going to get anything she wants. She’s Number 1 right now, and she knows it. She’ll know it soon,” Costa said.
Tae Bennett of London was only 12 years old when her chihuahua, Ollie, was stolen by a pair of thieves. Ten years later, the dog recently turned up at a playground 20 miles away from where he was taken. Bennett said she was shocked by the news, telling MyLondon, “It was incredible and I never thought this would happen. . . . I’ve no clue where he came from.” Bennett continued, “As soon as Ollie came into the room and heard my stepdads voice, he immediately walked over to him, rolled onto his back and let him scratch his belly. He definitely recognized him. As for myself, it took him a little bit longer . . . I look and sound completely different than I did when I was 12.”
Categorised in: Good News
This post was written by Dave Palmer