Losing A Shoe, A Fantastic Tip And Same Sex Marriage Rights
June 2, 2022 5:05 am1. A seven-year-old runner named Talaya Crawford lost her shoe at the beginning of a 200-meter race in Omaha. So the other kids got a five-second head start. But then she put her shoe back on and beat them anyway. Her dad is professional boxer Terence Crawford, who’s never lost in his career. So maybe winning just runs in the family.
2. Two customers went to a sit-down pizza place in Rhode Island recently . . . spent 48 bucks . . . and left their waitress an $810 tip.
3. A new Gallup poll for Pride Month found more Americans support same-sex marriage rights than ever before. 71% now say gay couples should have the same rights as everyone else.
When Gallup first did that poll in 1996, only 27% agreed.
Categorised in: Good News
This post was written by Dave Palmer