One Amazing Catch And Help For A Working Senior
November 18, 2022 5:25 amA kid fell from the second floor of a building in China last week. And a random guy out shopping ran in to save the day. It wasn’t a clean catch, but he broke the kid’s fall, so they weren’t seriously hurt. The guy did suffer some injuries to his hand, but the kid’s okay.
Last week, a guy in New Jersey posted a sad videoof a Walmart worker named Nola, who’s well past retirement age but he can’t afford to retire yet. So he started a GoFundMe page and surprised her after people donated $110,000.
She was surprised and grateful, but said she’d still have to work a little bit longer, because she owes about $170,000 on her house. But then over the weekend, the GoFundMe passed $180,000. So it looks like she WILL be able to retire now.
Categorised in: Good News
This post was written by Dave Palmer