Paragliders, And A World Series Cat
November 7, 2022 5:10 amA family’s lost cat was rescued from a set of subway tracks in Philadelphia last Sunday, and it’s all thanks to the World Series. The cat’s name is Edgar. He escaped from his owner’s carrier while they were on a subway platform.
Because of the World Series, there were more transit workers on duty. So they started a massive search . . . one of the extra workers spotted the cat . . . and he’s now back home safe and sound.
An older lady in Florida drove off the road on Sunday, plunged into a canal, and could have drowned. But a paraglider saw it happen and helped save her. (Technically he was “paramotoring” with a big fan on his back.)
He had a GoPro on, so it’s all on video. He and a friend landed in a nearby field, and found someone on the other side of the canal to throw her a rope.
Once she was out, they called 911. Paramedics got her to a hospital, where doctors treated her for minor injuries. (Here’s the video.)
Categorised in: Good News
This post was written by Dave Palmer