30 Acts Of Kindness By 30
December 1, 2022 7:16 amA man in San Francisco has the goal of completing 30 acts of kindness before his 30th birthday, and he just completed his third act.
Bryan Tsiliacos was nervous about turning 30 in 2023. One day he decided to write down all the things he was grateful for in his life.
“And at that moment, I realized that every wonderful thing that has happened to me was thanks to the support and generosity of others.”
That’s when “30 Acts of Kindness by 30” was born.
For his first act, Bryan made more than 400 desserts for firefighters.
For his second act, he donated 150 supply kits for middle schools in Oakland. Around $12,000 of supplies were donated by 18 sponsors from across the country.
For his third act, Bryan packaged 118 care boxes and hand-delivered them to local animal shelter workers.
You can follow his journey on Instagram at www.instagram.com/30actsby30.
Categorised in: Good News
This post was written by Cheryl Johnstone