Why A Cat Was Returned To A Shelter
February 13, 2023 5:11 amA Florida pet owner surrendered her cat to the Humane Society of Broward County late last month because the cat, known as Jerry, was too affectionate, according to reports.
The society posted a video of Jerry, who was surrendered on Dec. 22, 2022, on TikTok that started with a letter titled, “TOO AFFECTIONATE!” in all caps and in blue.
“Yup thats the reason my owner turned me in,” the letter read. “She said that I annoyed her and how sweet and affectionate I was. It was too much for her.
She said I waited at the door for her and talked too much. I loved her, but she didnt love me back. Im hoping somebody will love me for who I am,” the letter ended and was signed, “Jerry.”
But here’s the good news: The shelter shared the story online, and immediately got 50 applications to adopt him.
So he’s got a new home now . . . and the extra attention also helped them adopt out almost all of the other cats they had too.
Categorised in: Good News
This post was written by Dave Palmer