On Today’s Show
September 19, 2018 5:11 amLIFESTYLE
An unusual visitor has been hanging out in the St. Lawrence River for the past three years: A narwhal, more than 1,000 kilometres south of its usual range.
But the lone narwhal is not alone — it appears he has been adopted by a band of belugas.
The narwhal — thought to be a juvenile male because of its half-metre-long tusk — was filmed in July playing among a pod of young belugas, thought to be mostly or all males.
The video was taken by a non-profit group dedicated to whale research.
Narwhals live in the icy waters of the Arctic, including those surrounding parts of Canada, Norway, Greenland and Russia. They typically don’t range any farther south than the southern tip of Baffin Island. One researcher says “I don’t think it should surprise people,” he said. “I think it shows … the compassion and the openness of other species to welcome another member that may not look or act the same. And maybe that’s a good lesson for everyone.”
People in a town in England called Ipswich have been freaking out, because there’s a loudspeaker that randomly plays an evil sounding recording of a little girl singing nursery rhymes.
And it turns out it was being caused by SPIDERS. They were walking across the motion sensors of a security system on a private property, and triggering a recording meant to scare away thieves.
Ryan Gosling visited a Toronto coffee shop that had garnered Internet fame for its cutouts of … Ryan Gosling. Grinder Coffee kicked off a 10-day Twitter campaign on September 3rd in the hope of getting Gosling to visit while he was in town for the Toronto International Film Festival.
Grinder’s Twitter account posted shots of a faux-Gosling enjoying coffee at the café and touring other Toronto hot spots. Each tweet also included info on why he should visit Grinder.
Gosling got wind of the campaign and showed up in the flesh the next day, even posing for a photo with owner Joelle Murray. She told reporters that Gosling’s mother had encouraged him to stop by.
Sir Elton John surprised employees at Toronto record shop Sonic Boom on Tuesday when he strolled into the store and bought a number of vinyl albums.
He agreed to snap a photo with two employees.
On Instagram, the store wrote that John might be “the only knight we’ll ever have in Sonic Boom history.” John is in the midst of his Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour, which rolls into Toronto next week. His husband, David Furnish, is also from the city.
The musician has fostered a reputation for collecting vinyl in recent years.
In March 2017, he stopped by a small Vancouver record shop where the store’s owner said he spent about $1,400.
TODAY IS……………….
“Talk Like a Pirate Day”.
It’s “National Talk Like a Pirate Day,” but saying “Arrrrr” was never a documented thing. The whole pirate accent is kind of a myth. It only became associated with pirates after Long John Silver did it in the 1950 movie version of “Treasure Island”. He was played by Robert Newton, who worked it into every word he could.
1970, “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” debuted
1982, SCOTT FAHLMAN, a computer scientist at Carnegie Mellon University, became the first person to use the smiley and sad face emoticons on the internet (He now regrets doing it.)
1994, “ER” premiered on NBC. It ran for a total of 15 seasons.
The U.S. Military’s Method for Falling Asleep in Two Minutes
A book way back in 1981 revealed a secret method the U.S. military supposedly came up with that can put you to sleep in TWO minutes. Here are the five steps you need to follow.
The first four are all about relaxing your body. Then #5 gets oddly specific about what to picture in your mind . . .
- Relax your face, including your tongue, jaw, and the muscles around your eyes.
- Drop your shoulders as low as they can go. Then relax your arms one at a time.
- Breathe out, and relax your chest.
- Relax your legs, starting with your thighs and then your calves.
- Picture yourself in a calm location, like lying in a canoe under a clear blue sky. . . or lying in a black velvet hammock in a dark room. And if you’re still not asleep, repeat the phrase “don’t think, don’t think” over and over again in your head.
It might not work at first. But the military found that when people kept at it for six weeks, it had a 96% success rate.
An older guy in England named Eric Bogliani had a HUGE crush on his sister’s friend Elaine way back in elementary school. But he never said anything.
He was only 7 when they first met in the 1950s, and she was 9. And his mom thought that was too big of an age difference. So she sat him down and said he wasn’t ALLOWED to have a crush on her.
They’re both in their 60s now. So a two-year difference is nothing.
Well they reconnected on Facebook a few years ago. And they hit it off . . . started dating . . . and recently got MARRIED.
The school they both went to is now a community center that’s also a licensed wedding venue. So that’s where they tied the knot . . . the same place they first met almost 60 years ago.
[70] Jeremy Irons, actor Alfred in “Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. He was also the voice of Scar in “The Lion King
[54] Trisha Yearwood,
[44] Jimmy Fallon
At Least 84% of People Say They Like Fall Weather
Fall officially begins this weekend, and that means fall weather shouldn’t be too far behind.
And when things DO finally cool off a little, it’s going to be great. At least 84% of people in every city say they like fall weather . . . whenever it gets here.
- AMBER Alerts are named after a nine-year-old girl who was kidnapped in Texas in 1996 named Amber Hagerman . . . but AMBER was turned into an acronym for America’s Missing Broadcast Emergency Response.
- The military initially wanted the Golden Gate Bridge to be painted with yellow and black stripes for visibility . . . but an architect ultimately convinced them it would look better if it was an orange-red color.
- 7-Eleven got its name from its original hours in 1946: It was open from 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. They didn’t start staying open 24 hours until the 1960s.
- In George Lucas’searly drafts of “The Empire Strikes Back”, Yoda was named Buffy.
[54] Trisha Yearwood
[44] Jimmy Fallon
- Bryan Adams testified before a committee in the Canadian House of Commons yesterday, about the need to change Canadian copyright law. He wants artists to be able to regain control of their work within their lifetime, like they can in the U.S. Afterward he explained to reporters why he thinks it’s unfair.
- Kris Bryant from the Cubs hit his first home run since July 20th last night, after he was out with an injury for a few weeks. Even better . . . the announcer predicted it immediately before he hit it.
- “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” (CBS/Global): Jane Fonda, Willie Nelson
- Security camera footage from inside a Washington, D.C., condo building revealed who pulled the fire alarm that spurred an evacuation — a rat. A video recorded inside the condominium building shows a rat jumping from a handrail to the fire alarm, which is triggered by the rodent’s weight. The alarm prompted an evacuation of the building, which was not on fire. Rat complaints to the District’s 311 public assistance line have been steadily increasing in recent years, from 920 calls in 2014 to 3,153 calls during the first seven months of 2018.
Day 2 of the International Plowing Match and Rural Expo……
Willie Nelson Doesn’t Care If People Disagree with His Politics
WILLIE NELSON was asked if he’s surprised that people are “shocked” over his support of Texas senate candidate Beto O’Rourke. He said, quote, “I don’t know why because I’ve been supporting democrats all my life.”
He had a great response when they asked if he’s getting a lot of flack about it. Quote, “Oh, I love flack. We’re not happy till they’re not happy.”
They did lighten up enough to ask about his beloved guitar Trigger, and he told a story about the time he almost lost it.
Quote “They called me and said the house was on fire. It just so happened that I had Trigger in the house . . . and also a pound of good weed.” He rushed in and got them both. He saved the guitar, and had a friend go hide the weed.
Dustin Lynch became an official member of the Grand Ole Opry last night (Tuesday, September 18th) in Nashville. His longtime crush, Reba McEntire, did the honors, welcoming Dustin and shedding a few tears along with him.
Family, including Dustin’s parents and grandparents, the inspiration for his first hit, “Cowboys & Angels,” were on hand for the special occasion.
Also while backstage, a record label executive surprised Dustin with a plaque certifying streams in excess of one billion. Dustin first performed on the Opry stage in 2012.
Brett Young – even though his father is a preacher, he won’t be officiating Brett’s November wedding ceremony to Taylor Mills. Young posted that one of his close friends will be the one to lead the wedding, so dad can attend “as a father”. His dad will still “get up at the very end for the official part” to pronounce the couple man and wife.”
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer