On Today’s Show
October 26, 2018 5:09 amLIFESTYLE
Last week, the Leipzig Orchestra was performing Gustav Mahler’s “Fifth Symphony” in Sweden. During one quiet part with just the string instruments, a woman in the balcony RUSTLED a bag of gum. And that made a guy behind her so upset that he grabbed the bag away from her and threw it on the floor.
Well, right when the symphony ended, the woman turned to the guy . . . and SMACKED him in the face, which knocked off his glasses. Then the man who was there with the woman started PUNCHING the guy. One person who was sitting behind them called it, quote, “very unpleasant.”
No word on whether the cops came and arrested anyone . . . but we DO know the concert hall issued a statement reminding people of their etiquette guidelines. Which, I assume, includes both “no loud food” AND “no punching.” ______________________________________________________________________________
People sometimes like to dress up their pets in Halloween costumes, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is urging chicken owners to not dress up their fowl. The organization says costumed chickens run the risk of infecting people with a potent strain of salmonella. So far, at least 92 people in 29 states have been infected with a strain of multidrug-resistant salmonella after coming into contact with raw chicken products. Complicating this is the fact that there’s been a rise in the number of Americans who have chickens as pets. Have you ever seen a chicken wearing clothing?
- “Johnny English Strikes Again” (PG, Comedy): After a cyber-attack reveals the identity of all of the active undercover agents in Britain, Johnny English is forced to come out of retirement
(Rowan Atkinson, Michael Gambon)
- “Hunter Killer” (R-Rated, Action/Adventure): An untested American submarine captain teams with U.S. Navy Seals to rescue the Russian president, who has been kidnapped by a rogue general. (Gerard Butler, Gary Oldman)
TIM ALLEN says that he was close to getting “Home Improvement” revived before Fox brought back “Last Man Standing”. It sounds like he expected Patricia Richardson and all three boys back . . . meaning we missed out on the return of JONATHAN TAYLOR THOMAS!
TODAY IS……………….
- “Pumpkin Day”, celebrating the orange member of the squash family best known for being carved into jack-o-lanterns or made into pie filling. Did you know that pumpkins are 90% water? At one time, they were recommended for removing freckles and curing snake bites.
1984 [34] “The Terminator,” directed by James Cameron and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton, is released in the U.S.
1975 [43] ‘Heimlich Maneuver’ 1st approved as an aid for people choking on food (named for its co-developer, Dr Henry Heimlich, who was able to use his own maneuver in 2016 at age 96 to save 87-year-old Patty Ris when she began choking on a hamburger at his senior living center)
1881, WYATT EARP and DOC HOLLIDAY faced the Clanton Gang in the infamous SHOOTOUT AT THE O.K. CORRAL.
KEITH URBAN TURNS 51. (One of his first #1’s “Somebody Like You” 2002)
Some Idiot Climbs a $200,000 Sculpture, Until It Snaps
A video is making the rounds of some idiot at a New Zealand waterfront, who got bored and broke a $200,000 art sculpture. He’s climbing the length of its structure, when the metal pole bends until it snaps at its base and the guy falls into the water.
The pole hits his head on the way down, but he’s fine. No word on what kind of punishment he’s facing.
Someone Put Googly Eyes on a Revolutionary War Hero Statue . . . Which Could Be a Felony?
Someone pulled a prank in Savannah, Georgia . . . they stuck two GOOGLY EYES on a statue of Nathanael Greene. He’s a hero from the Revolutionary War.
Unfortunately for whoever did it, the city REALLY doesn’t think it’s funny.
They posted on Facebook, quote, “It may look funny, but harming our historic monuments and public property is no laughing matter, in fact, it’s a crime.”
And it could be a SERIOUS crime. If somehow the googly eyes do more than $500 in damage, the person who did it could be charged with a felony, criminal damage to property.
A guy in North Carolina named Earnest Jones took his wife Linda out to breakfast for her 67th birthday recently.
And on their way back home, he bought her a $20 lottery ticket. Not the most romantic gift. But hey, it’s something.
Unfortunately, she didn’t win anything. But he also bought one for himself . . . which kind of makes it NOT really a birthday present.
But he still got to be a hero in the end, because his ticket hit for a HUNDRED GRAND. And he says that “OF COURSE,” he’s spending it on her.
They got their giant check the very next day. After taxes, they took home just over $70,000
[73] Jaclyn Smith, actress (“Charlie’s Angels” 1976-1981)/“JS” fashion icon since 1985
[72] Pat Sajak, game show host (“Wheel of Fortune” since 1981)
[71] Hillary Rodham Clinton,
[51] Keith Urban,
[41] Jon Heder, actor (“Napoleon Dynamite”)
An online poll of over 200 people reveals the following:
34% 6 to 10 years old
21% 3 to 5
10% 11 to 18
4% I was older than 18
27% I don’t know how to swim
- In London in the 1800s, mail was delivered 12 times a day.
- In 1983, NASA engineers asked Sally Rideif 100 tampons would be enough for her one week in space.
- Despite what the “Jurassic Park”movies say, velociraptors were only about three feet tall and 30 pounds. There’s also no evidence they hunted in packs, they were definitely too dumb to communicate, and they probably had feathers.
- Jean-Claude Van Dammewas originally cast as the Predator in “Predator” . . . but quit when he got to the set and found out the suit would hide his face AND he wouldn’t get to show off his martial arts moves.
[72] Pat Sajak, game show host (“Wheel of Fortune” since 1981)
[71] Hillary Rodham Clinton,
[51] Keith Urban,
[41] Jon Heder, actor (“Napoleon Dynamite”)
- Brad Paisleywill sing the national anthem during tonight’s (Friday, October 26th) Game 3 of the World Series between the Boston Red Sox and the Los Angeles Dodgers At Dodger Stadium. The game airs on FOX at 8 p.m. ET.
The Houston Texans beat the Miami Dolphins 42-23 last night. That makes it five straight wins for the Texans.
- The Gerard Butlersubmarine thriller “Hunter Killer” is out this weekend. Your limited release options include “Johnny English Strikes Again”, and some theaters will have the “Suspiria” remake or a re-release of the 1980 version of “The Fog”.
- There was a wedding during this past weekend’s Detroit Marathon. Whitney Black, who donned a veil with her running clothes, and Steven Phillips, who wore a shirt with a tuxedo print, stopped at the 13.1-mile marker of the 26.2-mile Detroit Free Press/Chemical Bank Marathon for a quick 10-minute wedding.
The couple said they kept the ceremony short so their muscles wouldn’t get cold before finishing the race. The race was Black’s first marathon and Phillips’ 14th marathon. Black took up running March 2017, years after a snowmobiling accident left her requiring 20 surgeries and years of physical therapy to relearn how to walk.
- There’s a woman named Darilyn Gaucher in Calgary, and on Sunday, she went outside and found someone had broken into her 2007 Toyota Yaris.
She and her daughter saw all the stuff from inside their car on the ground, and as they searched through it, it didn’t look like anything was stolen.
And then they saw that the thief did take one thing: The front passenger side DOOR.
Darilyn says, quote, “I didn’t even really know what to think . . . Who just takes a door?”
The cops say the thief could be looking to sell the door to a salvage yard but it’s still, quote, “unusual.” They’re investigating.
Garth Brooks made a big announcement during Saturday’s (October 20th) performance at Notre Dame Stadium and no one was really expecting it. The superstar was so moved by the crowd and the experience that he suddenly decided to bring his upcoming tour full-circle and return to Notre Dame at the end of the coming three years.
Garth and his band rolled through three hours of music and cameras captured it all for Garth: Live at Notre Dame!, the CBS-TV special that will air on December 2nd at 8 p.m. ET.
Walker Hayes and His Wife Wear the Same Halloween Costume Every Year
WALKER HAYES doesn’t spend a lot of time putting together his Halloween costume. And that’s because he and his wife Laney wear the same damn thing every year.
“Every year my wife and I wear pumpkins.
“The first year we moved to Nashville, we had to go to a Halloween party and didn’t have costumes. We bought two orange sweatshirts and a Sharpie, and we drew Jack-O-Lanterns on them. So every year it’s pretty easy.”
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Dave Palmer